The benefits of a carbohydrate-free diet

Among the various dietary strategies aimed at fat loss, the one that has demonstrated the most effectiveness in recent years, both in clinical practice among many physicians and in international scientific literature, is certainly the Very Low Carbohydrate Diet (VLCD).

Among the various dietary strategies aimed at fat loss, the one that has demonstrated the most effectiveness in recent years, both in clinical practice among many physicians and in international scientific literature, is certainly the Very Low Carbohydrate Diet (VLCD).

What is the ketogenic diet?

The ketogenic diet is a particular type of nutrition known for decades, based on a drastic reduction of carbohydrates. This metabolic condition, known as ketosis (physiological ketosis, which allows survival during periods of famine, not to be confused with pathological ketoacidosis in uncontrolled diabetes), induces the body to use fats almost exclusively for energy purposes. There have always been two methods to implement it: either fasting or a diet rich in fats and proteins.

The ketogenic diet is a particular type of nutrition known for decades, based on a drastic reduction of carbohydrates. This metabolic condition, known as ketosis (physiological ketosis, which allows survival during periods of famine, not to be confused with pathological ketoacidosis in uncontrolled diabetes), induces the body to use fats almost exclusively for energy purposes. There have always been two methods to implement it: either fasting or a diet rich in fats and proteins.

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The ketogenic dietary regimen

Professor Antonioli Paoli – University of Padua

The ketogenic diet is a regimen that largely excludes carbohydrates, relying on the intake of proteins and fats to induce ketosis. The body is forced to utilize stored fats for energy, and due to complex biochemical processes, ketone bodies are formed, which are used by the brain for energy. This dietary regimen works by compelling the body to use its fat reserves. It’s the physiological mechanism that allowed the human race to survive during periods of fasting in our evolutionary history, ensuring survival.

The ketogenic dietary regimen

Professor Antonioli Paoli – University of Padua

The ketogenic diet is a regimen that largely excludes carbohydrates, relying on the intake of proteins and fats to induce ketosis. The body is forced to utilize stored fats for energy, and due to complex biochemical processes, ketone bodies are formed, which are used by the brain for energy. This dietary regimen works by compelling the body to use its fat reserves. It’s the physiological mechanism that allowed the human race to survive during periods of fasting in our evolutionary history, ensuring survival.

Difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis

Professor Antonioli Paoli – University of Padua

Ketosis is a physiological mechanism of the body in the absence of sugars that, in healthy individuals, does not cause any problems. Ketoacidosis is a pathological condition related to uncontrolled diabetes.

Difference between ketosis and ketoacidosis

Professor Antonioli Paoli – University of Padua

Ketosis is a physiological mechanism of the body in the absence of sugars that, in healthy individuals, does not cause any problems. Ketoacidosis is a pathological condition related to uncontrolled diabetes.